This is a legacy product. For more dtail, see the KG-Chart Product page.
We had a Cross Stitch version and Bead Weaving version.

“KG-Chart for Cross Stitch” is a program to design a chart for cross stitching. This program has following features:
- Drawing pixels with mark to distinguish color.
- Color palette (mimic DMC’s thread color).
- Drawing backstitching
- Print/Preview/Real view of a chart.
- Import/Export a chart to/from other image format(bmp/png/jpg/gif/ico).
System Requirements
- MS-Windows 8/10/11 – English/Japanese
This is a main screen snapshot.

DrawingEach stitch has a color and a mark. You can draw backstitches too.

Other StitchesYou can draw the Hardanger Stitchs too.

ToolsStitch: Rectangle, Ellipse, Flood fill, eraser, half stitch.
Editing back stitches.

Color PaletteYou can use a color palette for DMC-like threads. The Pro version has DMC / Cosmo / Olympus / Anchor.
(Note: These color palette are my original adjusted colors. It might be a little different from the actual colors, depends on environment (e.g. display, lighting), and is intended to be used as a guide.)

Color List / MarksThe colors selected are listed with marks. You can change the colors/marks.
Also, you can check how much stitches each stitch has.

Print PreviewYou can see a print/preview screen. The chart is divided into multiple pages automatically.
You can change a mesh size and a paper size

Print PreviewYou can import a picture and convert it to a chart.

Copyright (C)2000-2014 Keiji Ikuta
All rights reserved.
- The copyright of the software “KG-Chart for Cross Stitch”, “KG-Chart for Cross Stitch LE”, and “KG-Chart for Cross Stitch Viewer” belong to the author, Keiji Ikuta.
No need to register or pay to the author to use those two programs. - You need to contact the author when you distribute this software by Web site, magazine, etc.
- You may not reverse-assemble, reverse-compile this software.
- LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The author shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of this software.
Please don’t use this software for critical purposes.
- Borland C++ version 5.02J
- Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
- jpeg-6b
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. - libpng: version 1.2.18
- zlib: version 1.2.3
- CxImage version 5.99c
- LibTIFF version 3.8.2