This is a legacy App. See more detail here.
“StitchSketch” is a new application to design a chart for Cross Stitch/Bead Weaving on mobile devices.
Using mobile devices like iPad, it is now possible to design and see charts anywhere. Also using touches or stylus pen, it is more intuitive to draw or paint a chart.

System Requirements
- iOS 7 or later, iPhone/iPad/iPod touch
- Design your own chart for craft works such as:
Cross Stitch (Crossstitch), Bead Weaving, Iron Beads (Perler(R) Beads), Knitting pattern, Color Knitting, Pixel Art, and more! - This is also suited for drawing “dotted” pictures (Pixel Art), such as icons in low resolution
- Draw chart with a symbol in a cell
- Convert a photo into a chart
- Maximum chart size is 250 x 250 (Full version)
- Pinch to zoom
- Generic color palette
- Full version only Color Charts (palette) for: DMC(R), Anchor, Olympus, DFT, COSMO, Delica, Toho Best, Perler(R) Beads
- Full version only Vector Drawing (Backstitch, Fractional Stitch, Hardanger)
- Knitting Symbols (Amizu Kigou (JIS)) for designing knitting pattern
- Rectangular cell size
- Real view to simulate finished image
- Undo / Redo
- Drawing tools: Pencil, Rectangle, Ellipse, Flood Fill
- Selecting Tool: Selection and Cut/Copy/Paste/Rotate/Flip/Stamp
- Edit colors and symbols
- Save or Email a chart as native format or PNG image
- Generate a chart in PDF for emailing or printing.
- Organize charts with thumbnails
- Support Dropbox
- Type text to draw text on a chart

Copyright (C)2012-2018 Keiji Ikuta / Mozusystems, LLC
All rights reserved.
- The copyright of the software StitchSketch” belongs to the author, Keiji Ikuta.
- You may not reverse-assemble, reverse-compile this software.
- LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The author shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of this software.
- Please don’t use this software for critical purposes.
Contact UsPlease contact us by email (
- XCode by Apple
- Freeimage Project
- Dropbox SDK